Hi there, I am Sushant, a Software Engineer at Nutanix.

I love problem solving and really enjoy writing code.


I have 3+ years of experience working as software engineer. Here in Nutanix, I am working on ingestion of telemetry data.

I am always open to new ideas and eager to learn new things. My current interests lies in distributed systems, how they work, their reliabilty and scalabilty. I also, though not often, take part in competitve programming. Although used to do crazily in college. In addition to this, I have another blog where I post solutions to the questions I have solved in SPOJ. You can visit it here: Spoj Solutions

Apart from computers, I like to swim and play table tennis. I enjoy reading, I guess this was the only New Year resolution that I have completed and still continuing 😅. I like exploring new places and going on road trips.

Currenlty I am working from my hometown, Siliguri. I like it here. The weather is good and there are many places to explore nearby. The best part is, Siliguri being a tier 2 city, you can enjoy both - some part of city life and some part of country life.

If you have any questions or just want to chat, you can reach out to me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email.